OUTDOOR STORY -- EVELINE EVANS: Understanding the value of the outdoors and family ... on Passport to Texas Outdoor Stories This is Passport to Texas Outdoor Stories Ask Eveline Evans about the value of spending time outdoors and she's not shy about sharing her views. 14 -- It's just a great stress reliever. It's wonderful to get out and get away from the urban areas, and enjoy the trees and the streams. I mean, it's just wonderful to get away. Eveline gets away with family whenever she can. She says sharing time outdoors with loved ones -- even if it's just taking a walk in nature -- is critical to healthy, balanced relationships. It brings families closer ... it encourages dialogues. :32 -- Well, I think it's very important. My husband and I, we go walking all the time together in different locations. We love the Texas state parks. We've done Big bend and the Davis Mountains, Caprock Canyon, Palo Duro Canyon ... all of those are just wonderful places to go out and walk. You can talk about anything it seems like. Every little thing that comes up -- you can explain to younger ones your value systems, or whatever. Why when you pass a snake you're not supposed to kill it -- you just leave it alone, that type stuff. What do you love about spending time in the outdoors? Tell us about it; just go to passporttotexas.org and share your outdoor story with us. That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:46.0 Maximum Script time: 0:39.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25