OWL BE SEEING YOU: A horned owl nesting in an urban area [05 "fluffy and white!'] excites neighborhood children, and encourages learning ... details on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas [Great horned owl call] A great horned owl nesting in a residential window box became an instant sensation with neighborhood kids. See what all the excitement was about when you tune in this month to the The Texas Parks and Wildlife PBS TV series. Producer, Abe Moore. 56 -- We got a strange call from somebody that said we have a great horned owl nest in our windowsill here in Katy Prairie. They'd always go like 'who who, who who' in my chimney. It's just awesome. It was becoming the talk of the town, so we had to go out there and check it out. Owls get a bad rap often, and these owls are a great example of living in harmony with the homeowner and the neighborhood. This nest was right on a planter box, up on a window -- right next to this cute little park. So, the kids would just come out and enjoy nature's wonder right in front of them, and it was pretty neat. Two babies have hatched@ I see them! I see them! It's white and fluffy and fluffy and white! They're rising ... they're rising ... they're rising! Oh my word! So, it was a very cool outdoor classroom type of situation. And if you want to see the story and check out the owls, that's going to be on Texas Parks and Wildlife Television June third through the seventh. Thanks Abe. Check your local listings for the show. The WSFR program supports our series and funds conservation projects in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:56.0 Maximum Script time: 0:29.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25