COASTAL EXPOS: Coastal Expos bring coastal biology, recreation and understanding of human impact on the gulf to you ... details on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas If you can't get to the coast, then look for a Coastal Expo. 08 -- Coastal Expo's an educational outreach event, where we're teaching the public about the Texas Coast and why it's important and why we need to protect it. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department brings the coast to communities (even communities on the coast) with Coastal Expo. Kris Shipman coordinates the events. 12 -- We have all sorts of great hands-on activities where they can go to a touch tank and touch sea stars and crabs and different things like that. We have areas where we talk about water quality; we talk about sea grass and wetlands and what functions they serve. Kris Shipman says she takes the coastal expo exhibits statewide to help people understand their connection to the gulf and the oceans of the world. 22 -- The entire state of Texas forms the watershed for the Gulf of Mexico. And so if somebody in Abilene were to drop a piece of trash on the ground, that trash would eventually end up in some sort of watershed. Eventually that water is going to drain to the Gulf of Mexico. So, all of that trash, if it doesn't get picked up, that's where it ends up -- is out in the Gulf of Mexico and out into the rest of the ocean. The Next Coastal Expo is June 9th at the KEE-muh Boardwalk in Galveston Bay. Find information on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website. The WSFR program supports our series and funds conservation projects in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:42.0 Maximum Script time: 0:43.0 Suggested show time: 86.0 = 1:25