HUNTING LICENSES TO GO ON SALE: Hunters - buy your license early and beat the rush...details on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas It's August: time to renew hunting and fishing licenses. 06 -- The licenses are effective beginning September first, but they actually go on sale August 15th. Tom Newton manages licensing at Texas Parks and Wildlife. Heat and drought kept license sales down last year, but the milder temperatures and statewide rains in 2012 have seen sales rise. 23 -The fishing is broken down into saltwater or freshwater, or what we call an all-water, which covers both. There's a couple of different hunting licenses, which is your standard deer hunters, or turkey hunters, or alligator hunters. With the hunting license you have to purchase a couple of stamps. If you're a bird hunter you'll need the upland game bird stamp and the federal duck stamp. The best license to buy -- if you plan on hunting and fishing -- is the Super Combo. $68.00 17 - Which encompasses everything: All the stamps, all of your hunting options, all of your fishing options. The only thing you need in addition to that is your federal duck stamp. So, the Super Combo -- is the best priced license. And, like I say, you buy that, you need nothing else for the whole year. Buy your licenses early and avoid the rush. They're available online and at 17-hundred agents statewide. 06 -All of our parks sell licenses. All of our law enforcement sells licenses as we do here at Headquarters The Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program supports our series, and works to increase fishing and hunting opportunities in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti Total sound bite time: 0:52.0 Maximum Script time: 0:33.0 Suggested show time: 86.0 = 1:26