BASS CLASSIC, 1: A big time with big bass planned for Lake Conroe ... we'll explain ahead on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas The Toyota Texas Bass Classis -- September 28-30 at the Lone Star Convention and Expo Center on Lake Conroe -- promotes the outdoors to families across the entire state. 17 -- It's a benefit event, actually, for Texas Parks and Wildlife, where it raises funds for us to use in our youth outreach activities across the state. Including neighborhood fishing, the state fish art contest, and also events that happen all across the state to introduce youngsters to the outdoors. Dave Terre is chief of fisheries management and research for inland fisheries. 13 The Bass Classic is many things, but it is -- primarily -- a big largemouth bass tournament. Matter of fact, a world class bass tournament. It attracts the best 50 anglers in the nation to come and compete at one place - Lake Conroe. There will be games and activities at the Texas Parks & Wildlife Outdoor Adventures area, a BBQ Cook-Off, and a fishing expo featuring seminars and the latest in fishing equipment, gear and accessories, too. 13 -- It's much more than a bass tournament. This tournament is really an outdoor festival. It's bringing in quality country western music entertainment. The featured artists this year will be Dirks Bentley, Gary Allan, and Jake Owen. The Toyota Texas bass Classic is September 28-30 at the Lone Star Convention and Expo Center on Lake Conroe. Bring the family. And free tickets are available while they last from the Toyota Texas Bass Classic website. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:43 Maximum Script time: 0:42 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25