TPW TV -- CHANGING OF THE GUARD: Training a new generation to take over the family business ... we explain ... ahead on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas (Feb. 1) The Wexford Ranches have been in the same family for 136 years. This month the TPW TV series, examines how the next generation prepares take this large family ranch into the future. Producer Ron Kabele: 55 -- The grandmother, Mrs. O'Connor, her main goal is to keep what's left of the ranch intact. What she's done is she's gotten Kye, the ranch foreman ... so now they're teaching the grandkids what they need to do to take over the business, to keep it as a whole. I'm lucky enough to have worked for four generations. So now my bosses are much younger than I, but that's cool, too, because I put lots of responsibility on them. It's a very daunting task. Kye has done this all his life. The grandkids - they've grown up in the city. So, what Kye does is he teaches as much as he can, himself, and then he brings outside people in. He's getting older, and at some point he's going to retire. And what's going to happen to that ranch? It's been in their family for over 130 years, and they want to keep it in the family. It's going to take everything they have to keep that ranch going. To keep that ranch in the family. Thanks, Ron. This show airs the week of February 3. The WL Restoration program supports our series and provides funding for diverse conservation project in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:55.0 Maximum Script time: 0:30.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25