OUTDOOR ADVENTURE: Adventure and school go together in his classroom ... details on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas At Allen High School -- near Dallas -- getting outside is part of the curriculum. 16 -- It's a curriculum that teaches the TPW hunter education, boater education, and also the angler education ... along with some other things like the National Archery in the Schools program camping, outdoor survival and things like that. Jason Anderson is an Outdoor Adventure educator at the school. Students who take the course may earn an elective or physical education credit. 13 -- It's quite amazing; our first year I started out with 111 students. This past year I had 275, and enrolled for next year I have 590 students enrolled in our outdoor adventure class and hunter education. Anderson was a PE teacher and coach, but says the outdoor curriculum, especially Hunter Education, is so popular, he had to give up coaching. 19 -- Students are really interested in hunting. In Collin County you couldn't deer hunt for a long time. Well, two years ago TPW opened up where you now have an archery season. So, a lot of our students are really interested in the bow hunting part of it. There's still a little bit of land left in Collin County where they can actually do some deer hunting. Jason Anderson says the ethics students learn in hunter education stays with them throughout their lives. Bring TPW outreach and education programs to your classroom learn how on the TPW website. Support provided by Ram Trucks. Doing what's right and good regardless of the degree of difficulty -- takes guts. Those are the people who build Ram trucks. RAM. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:48.0 Maximum Script time: 0:37.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25