DAY ONE TRAIL RUN, 2: The Day One Trail Run provides the trails and the training ... ahead on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas Circle January 1, 2014 on your calendar for the start of a new tradition: Cedar Hill State Park's Day One Trail Run. 18 -- We've got a huge crowd in Dallas of people that are very fit, they're very active. And they're huge fans of state parks. So, we figured that we would just put those things together and give them a chance to come out here if they want to do a little bit more than just hiking on January first. Start off their New Year with a good race. Jeff Achée [uh-SHAY], from Cedar Hill SP says the event takes First Day Hikes -- that occur January 1 in state parks across the US -- to a new level, with 20K and 5K races. Early registration is currently underway at Day One Trail Run dot com. You can also sign up for their newsletter, which will give out of practice or new runners a big advantage on race day. 23 -- Well, what we're going to get going here pretty soon is a training plan. So, if you subscribe to that newsletter, you'll have news about the race. We'll be mapping out the course here pretty soon, so you can get a GPS map of the course. We're also going to be working with a trainer. Maybe if you are new to running, you don't have a training plan set for yourself, we're going to have a 20K and 5K training plan so that you can follow those and work your way into these races. Find registration and fee information, and newsletter sign up at Day One Trail Run dot com. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:41.0 Maximum Script time: 0:44.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25