TEXAS OUTDOOR FAMILIES, 2: Everything you need for a successful overnight family camping trip...we explain on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas You want to camp overnight in a state park but don't want to spend money on gear until you hone your skills? 04 -- Texas Outdoor Family provides all of the camping equipment that a family needs for a weekend. Robert Owen oversees the Texas Outdoor Family Program. During supervised weekend workshops, TOF provides nearly everything families need for a successful overnight camping experience. 14 -- Generally a family needs to bring their own food and personal items like a sleeping bag. We provide the rest from a tent to the air mattresses, pots and pans ... And even a bunch of ranger guidance to go along with it Rangers actually spend the night in the campground with the families. TOF staff helps families set up camp, and plans activities for them like kayaking, geocaching, fishing, and hiking to get them into the outdoor groove. If one weekend isn't enough ... 21 -- We invite families back to join us as many as three times. The first time is very much their beginner experience. So, you come out the first time you realize it's fun; you realize your family has really enjoyed it. The second and third times you refine your skills. And then we hope you're ready to be released out there into the parks, and do it on your own. The cost of the weekend is $65 for up to six people. There are TOF workshops this fall; find details on the TPW website. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:39.0 Maximum Script time: 0:46.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25