TPW MAGAZINE -- FRESHWATER FORECAST, 2: Where to find Texas' favorite sport fish in 2014 ... on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas If your favorite lake is short on water, and reaching the fish is nearly impossible, Larry Hodge is here to help. 09 -- We are trying to encourage people with this fishing forecast to take a look at other fishing locations in their area. Hodge, with the TFFC in Athens, compiled a 2014 freshwater fishing forecast. Find it in TPW magazine's digital fishing issue this month. In his article, you'll discover where Texas' most popular sport fish -- largemouth bass - is plentiful and ready to take your bait. 48 -- There are a number of lakes across the state that are going to offer good largemouth bass fishing this year. Lake Nasworthy in San Angelo is a constant level lake, so it's a place you can always go to catch fish. Lake Fork is hot right now. It has just produced its third Toyota Sharelunker of the season. Lake Palestine is another east Texas lake tht has plenty of water and lots of bass. Sam Rayburn, Toledo Bend, Kurth, Nacogdoches - all those east Texas lakes are in good shape. And one tht I'd really like to mention is Lake Naconiche; it's a new lake near Nacogdoches. It was built specifically for recreation by the county, and has some really good bass fishing coming on. Tomorrow, we tell you about Texas lakes with fish you'll want to take home for dinner. The WSFR Program supports our series ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0.57.0 Maximum Script time: 0:28.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25