BIKING IN STATE PARKS: Grab your helmet and bike to your favorite trail ... details on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Biking is a practical way to stay fit, as well an environmentally conscience style of transportation. Use your two-wheeled transportation to escape the hectic urban jungle and ride with nature for a change of scenery. Many Texas state parks offer a wide range of biking trails for your enjoyment. There are trails for all abilities, from beginner to advanced, making it easy for anyone to get outdoors to enjoy the natural world in an intimate way. Designated biking trails are numbered to indicate their difficulty level. Beginner Level is a course that only requires basic riding skills. Intermediate Level cyclists must have off-road experience and knowledge. Difficult Level tracks demand an advanced biker who can navigate various terrain conditions. You will enjoy your ride more when you ride with safety in mind. Always wear a helmet. Be aware of hazards in your path such as ruts, rocks and even wildlife. Also, check the air in your bicycle tires regularly to avoid flats and accidents. Pack a large bottle of water -- at least eight ounces for every hour of riding. Find information about biking on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website. That's our show for today ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:00.0 Maximum Script time: 0:85.0 Suggested show time: 1:25