PHOTOGRAPHY, 2: A picture perfect contest for state park lovers. Details ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas On your next trip to a state park, bring the family, a camera and start snapping; then enter your best shot in Texas Parks and Wildlife's state park photo contest. 03 -- The theme of it is "Picture Yourself in State Parks." Chase Fountain -photographer with Texas Parks and Wildlife - says judges want to see how you engage the outdoors. 12 -- Imagine taking a selfie, and you're, for example, at Garner State Park. If you're walking up "Old Baldy" and you have your hiking poles behind you, and you're looking up ... just taking a picture of yourself with that in the background says it all. Photos don't have to look professional. They just need to show you enjoying Texas state parks. 09 -- We are looking for families having a great time in state parks. Capture those wonderful moments and share them with us. And we'll be happy to take a look at them - and maybe you might win! Entries are being accepted now through April 15th. There are three categories. 19 -- One is 18 and over; and we're having a 17 and under category for all you kids out there. And, of course, we're doing an Instagram category as well. And in order to do the Instagram, you need to do #MyParkPick, and upload it. Whitney Bishop - our social media director over there - will take a look at them and get them ready for the contest. Find rules and entry forms on the activities page of the TPW website. The person with the winning photo receives a Hero Edition Silver GoPro Camera. For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0.43.0 Maximum Script time: 0:42.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25