BIG TIME TEXAS HUNTS: A Big Time Texas Hunts winner tells all ... on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas The first time Kelly Hill of Houston heard of Big Time Texas Hunts was in a hunter Education class. 14 -- I went and researched it when I got home; and I was like - this is amazing. Nine bucks to enter online; I took a certain amount of money and spread it over the ones that I was interested in, and I put six entries in for the grand slam, and one of them hit. The Grand Slam gives one winner four separate guided Texas big game hunts: desert bighorn sheep, white-tailed deer, pronghorn antelope and desert mule deer. The winner may bring guests along on some of the hunts. Kelly brought his dad on the first one. 14 -- I took him with me on the mule deer hunt, and it was just really good to have him out there. And then I took a friend of mine to the whitetail hunt, and they accommodated me and the non-hunter with me. So, it's been absolutely amazing. Although Kelly Hill won the Texas Grand Slam, that won't keep him from buying entries for Big Time Texas Hunts for years to come. 04 -- Absolutely. Oh, I'm going to continue to put in and hopefully get drawn again. Are you feeling lucky? Hunters may purchase entries for this year's eight premier hunting packages, including the Grand Slam, for nine dollars online or ten dollars by phone, mail or at license retail locations through October 15. Proceeds benefit wildlife conservation, research and public hunting in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:32.0 Maximum Script time: 0:53.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25