FISHING HALL OF FAME: Know someone who's made a meaningful contribution to freshwater angling in Texas? Nominate them for the Texas Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame. Details ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas The Texas Freshwater Fishing Center in Athens, Texas opened its doors in 1996; at the same time, it established the Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame. 07 -- And has inducted an individual or an organization almost every year since then. Larry Hodge is the center's spokesperson. He says they'll accept nominations for new inductees through November 1, 2014. 22 -- The criteria basically are that it has to be a human being - and deceased individuals are eligible for nomination, or an organization. In both cases, they must be Texas based. Either a Texas resident if it's a person, or a Texas based company or other organization if it's an angling group or something like that. Find nomination forms on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website. The hall of fame isn't about honoring people who caught the biggest or most unusual fish. 07 -- Correct. It is a way to honor people who have given back to the sport of freshwater fishing. Such as through conservation, or charitable work, or ways that making freshwater fishing better for all ... Learn more about the nomination process tomorrow. The WSFR program supports our series ... and receives funds from your purchase of fishing and hunting equipment and motor boat fuel. For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:36.0 Maximum Script time: 0:49.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25