TPW MAG - CHIHUAHUAN DESERT, 2: Life in North America's second largest desert ecosystem ... on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas Say the word desert, and -and an image of a bleak and lifeless place may come to mind. That may be true for some deserts - but it's not true for the Chihuahuan Desert Region. 07 -- It's one of the most diverse places for both plants and animals in this country, and frankly, in the world. That's not including tropical and subtropical regions, of course. Cynthia Griffin is Executive Director of the Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute, or CDRI, in Fort Davis ... located within the 220-thousand acre ecosystem. 29 -- There are over 3-thousand plant species on the Chihuahuan; it is a center of diversity for cacti. Our cactus greenhouse has some of the most rare and best examples of cactus found in the Chihuahuan Desert. There are more reptiles on the Chihuahuan than there are on the Sonoran. There are more birds on this desert [region] than in the Everglades. And in the Davis Mountains, we have 16 of the 18 species of North American Hummingbirds. The Chihuahuan Desert Region has an elevation range from 1-thousand to 10 thousand feet above sea level, and it is isolated from other North American deserts. 10 -- So there's not the bleeding over. And, so because it's large, and because of its range of elevation, you will find species here that you will not find anywhere else. Learning about deserts isn't as dry as you once thought. Find out more about the Chihuahuan Desert Region in the Aug/Sept issue of TPW magazine. For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0.46.0 Maximum Script time: 0:39.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25