POWDERHORN RANCH: It's one of the largest remaining unspoiled tracts of coastal prairie in Texas, and now it will be protected forever ... [07 " ... one of 'em."] details on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas The 17-thousand acre Powderhorn Ranch in Calhoun County has a long, fascinating past, and a bright future, thanks to a coalition of partners that raised nearly 38- million dollars to help purchase the land. 04 -- This really took the proverbial village to help put this project together. TPW Executive Director, Carter Smith says the expansive tract of pristine coastal prairie will be preserved for all Texans, including native flora and fauna. 18 -- The Powderhorn Ranch has been the dream of the conservation community for almost a quarter of a century. And, everybody has recognized its scale, its incredible ecological integrity and biological uniqueness. And, as we see more development, more activity, we've recognized the criticality of protecting places that scale like the Powderhorn. The TPW Foundation raised most of the money for the $50 million project, which includes an $8 million endowment to fund ongoing habitat management and restoration. 17 -- Every single attitudinal survey shows that Texans care about their coast. They're passionate about it. It's conservation. They value the water that flows into it, and is present there. And so, this is one of those places that are going to be there for future generations. And, there's just a special comfort in knowing that. For more information about the Powderhorn Ranch project, visit the TPW website. For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0.39.0 Maximum Script time: 0:46.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25