QUAIL CONSERVATION: Working to restore bobwhite quail in Texas. Details ahead on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas There's new hope for bobwhite quail. 13 -- Four million dollars of the upland game bird stamp fund was authorized by the legislature this past session to specifically go towards further developing this concept of focus areas for bobwhite quail and grassland birds. The "focus area" concept is one TPW upland game bird program leader, Robert Perez, has worked on for years. 08 -- Well, a focus area is an intensive effort within a small area to demonstrate that quail restoration can be successful. Most focus areas are east of the I-35: places where quail are gone, said Perez, but they haven't been gone long. 23 -- One of our focus areas in the Columbus-Seely area, southeast Texas. Another is the Navarro-Ellis area, along the I- 35 corridor where Waxahachie is. Another is West of Dallas a good ways over towards Wichita Falls, around Clay County and south. So these are the front lines of bobwhite decline; birds are still around, but they're noticeably rarer. The agency awarded 15 grants, with two more in process, to nonprofits, universities and others for grassland restoration. Grantees will use the $4 million dollars over a two year grant period. 19 -- But that doesn't mean that the project is over at the end of two years. Because the impacts - when you start to turn the dirt or manipulate habitat - those effects go on for years. And so what's most important is to continue to monitor - think of the future beyond those two years - to really understand and paint a good picture of what the impacts are of these types of manipulations. Find quail information on the TPW website. The WSFR Program supports our series. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:63.0 Maximum Script time: 0:22.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25