CHRISTMAS IN STATE PARKS, 2: Christmas cheer can be far afield but worth the drive to Texas parks and historic sites ... on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas You don't have to travel far to find holiday events in state parks, but Thomas Wilhelm says, if you do have the time, how about a road trip December 16, to Far West Texas and Fort Leaton. 17 -- For this Christmas, Fort Leaton will be having a Posada, which is the recreation of Mary and Joseph's trip through Bethlehem. But, there's also going to be a performance by a local choir; so, it's going to tell the holiday story with that area of the state's culture in mind. Palo Duro Canyon in the Panhandle is another far flung destination. On December 20, it offers a new holiday event worth the drive. 18 -- It's called their Hot Air Balloon Glow. So, they're going to bring balloons into the canyon and light them up. Of course, there's going to be other traditional holiday events: hot cocoa, snacks - that sort of thing. Santa Claus will be there for the kids. So, it will be a really unique opportunity to not only experience Palo Duro Canyon, but really put a holiday feel to it If you prefer to celebrate nature, Central Texas' McKinney Falls December 20 & 21 is the place to be. 14 -- They're doing a Winter Solstice Celebration. So, they'll have opportunities for kids to join with a ranger and do hikes, or nature themed crafts and activities. So, it's a great opportunity to touch base with nature during the holidays. Find a full list of holiday events on the TPW website. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:49.0 Maximum Script time: 0:36.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25