TOYOTA TEXAS BASS CLASSIC, 1: A world class professional bass fishing tournament at Lake Fork Memorial Day weekend ... details on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Memorial Day Weekend, Lake Fork Reservoir, 65 miles east of Dallas, is the site of the Ninth Annual Toyota Texas Bass Classic. 08 -- What it is, is a world class fishing tournament for professional anglers. It's also a benefit event for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Dave Terre, chief of fisheries management and research at Parks and Wildlife, says the event showcases the state's quality fisheries, with Lake Fork being among the best bass fisheries in the country. 18 -- Last year was just incredible. Two anglers caught over a hundred pounds of bass in three days [and] set all sorts of records for numbers and weights of bass caught. So, this year, the bar has been set very high; and hopefully we'll be able to exceed that. But there's one way to find out, and that's to come to the lake and see it for yourself. Find ticket information and a schedule of activities at Money from the event funds outreach programs. 16 -- In the eight events that we've had so far, we've raised over two million dollars. And those dollars have been plugged directly back into youth fishing outreach. It's brought new kids and their families [and others] into fishing through the Toyota Texas Bass Classic, by helping to fund our programs. The TTBC on Memorial Day Weekend offers a stellar country music line-up, food and outdoor adventure activities for the family: find ticket information and other details at For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:42.0 Maximum Script time: 0:43.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25