SWINE CONTROL SAFETY: Will toxicants used to control feral hogs in Texas have negative effects on other living things ...find out on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas When feral hogs ingest sodium nitrite, it reduces their blood's ability to carry oxygen. 08 -- We are attempting to exploit that in order to use sodium nitrite as a possible control measure in feral swine. Since 2010, TPW biologist, Donnie Frels and colleagues have been developing and testing sodium nitrite baits to control feral swine. 12 -- What we're currently doing, is looking at several different bait formulations that are hiding the taste of sodium nitrite and see which one of those is most effective. The bait delivery system is one only hogs can access. Ironically, sodium nitrite is a compound used to preserve sausage and bacon. Although humans and most other mammals have an enzyme that effectively reduces sodium nitrite toxicity, Frels says he and his colleagues are cautious. 14 -- There are still a lot of things we have to investigate when it comes to using this as a toxicant. And one is concerns about residuals in tissues, secondary consumers, and how long this will last in the environment. Preliminary results indicate low residuals in hog meat, so if a hunter bagged a hog that consumed the toxicant, the meat would still be fine to eat. 06 -- Because sodium nitrite is a food preservative, it is safe for human consumption. It will be several years before the bait is commercially available. The Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program supports our series. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:40.0 Maximum Script time: 0:45.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25