EARLY TEAL SEASON: Looking forward to an early, extended teal season [07 " ... that participate."] on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Early teal season provides waterfowlers an opportunity to harvest ducks before the regular season opener in November. Whether hunters get a nine day or sixteen day season depends on the birds. 15 -- If the breeding population is above 4.7 million, you're allowed a 16 day, 6 bird [daily] bag limit season. If it's below 4.7 and above 3 million, you have a nine day season. Anything below - I believe it's 3 million - the season's closed. Kevin Kraai (CRY) is waterfowl program leader for the wildlife division of TPW. It's been a good year for teal. 15 -- We've had a sustained long-term wet period [this year]. And the blue wing teal have just responded favorably to that. A 16 day season opens Saturday, September 12 and closes Sunday, September 27. Kevin Kraai says to make sure you're prepared. 11 -- Each hunter has to be certified in the Harvest Information Program. Additionally, they will need to have a migratory game bird stamp, offered by the state of Texas. As well as a [federal] waterfowl duck stamp. Find hunting information for all game species on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website. The Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program supports our series. Through your purchases of hunting and fishing equipment, and motorboat fuels, over 40 million dollars in conservation efforts are funded in Texas each year. For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:41.0 Maximum Script time: 0:44.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25