HALLOWEEN IN PARKS, 1: Things are getting spooky and rated M for mature audiences ... find out why ... ahead on Passport to Texas ... This is Passport to Texas Life is unpredictable, unless, of course, it's October. That's because in October you can always predict a spell of Halloween hijinks at Texas State Parks and Historic Sites. 08 -- You'll find Halloween events in every corner of the state from far El Paso down to the Gulf, up to far North Texas. Thomas Wilhelm is with state parks. He says there will, of course be trick-or-treating in the parks. 15 -- But there are also some other events -- educational type events like: Not so Creepy Critters, where you can learn about spiders and owls and bugs. And then some downright spooky events, like the Wake of Henry Fanthorp at Fanthorp Inn. That event is 10 years old and up. Historic sites will offer some of the more intriguing Halloween programs, suitable for mature audiences. 10 -- Battleship Texas is doing an event called The Seedier Side of Battleship Texas, where they talk about some of the shenanigans on board. And that's a twenty-one and up only event. Well, we are talking about shenanigans, after all. State Parks and Historic sites; who knew, right? Find a full schedule of Halloween and fall events in State Parks by region at texasstateparks.org/holidays. That's our show for today ... Funding provided in part by Ram Trucks. Guts. Glory. Ram For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:33.0 Maximum Script time: 0:52.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25