WILDLIFE TRAIL MAPS: Nine regional maps to help acquaint you with Texas Wildlife and more ... ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Texas is a big place with lots to do and to see for the wildlife lover; knowing where to start can be a little overwhelming. No worries. Texas Parks and Wildlife has a solution. 04 -- We have nine distinct maps; each covers a region of Texas. They are the Great Texas Wildlife Trails Maps, and encompass more than 960 sites statewide. Liz Tomberlin works in nature tourism at Parks and Wildlife. 20 -- And [the maps] cover everything from migratory bird watching spots ... to burrowing owls ... to the prairie chicken leks in the panhandle plains. The monarch migration -- we've had some great spots to see monarchs. All the way through to bat- watching, and all sorts of other mammals and birds and amphibians that you can see throughout Texas. The agency updated the Heart of Texas West and East maps recently to ensure users have access to the most current information -- information that goes beyond where to find native critters. 17 -- Our maps include information for general tourists. There's information for convention bureaus and visitors' centers on there; each of our sites includes GPS coordinates; driving directions from major highways; a short description of the site and what you can expect to see there, and a phone number so you can contact someone. Find more information about The Great Wildlife Trails Maps, including free, interactive versions of the maps on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.