LIP PROGRAM, 2: How to work with Texas Parks and Wildlife on management goals for your property [04 " ... has to offer."] ... ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas The Texas Landowner Incentive Program (LIP) offers funding opportunities for private landowners wishing to implement natural resource conservation practices on their lands. 05 -- I usually send them to their local field biologist to start the relationship. Arlene Kalmbach [CALM-bock] coordinates the program. After the initial phone call, there's a site visit to ... 11 -- ... get the goals that the landowner has for the property, and maybe get the biologist's perspective on what's there and what potential there is for some conservation work. And then they go from there. LIP efforts focus on projects aimed at creating, restoring, protecting and enhancing habitat for rare or at-risk species throughout the state, as well as activities that positively impact riparian areas and watersheds. 10 -- Sometimes they may bring in other specialists. Riparian specialists ... an invertebrate biologist. It really starts with the landowner's goals and what that property has to offer. Through funding partnerships, the program offers cost- sharing with private landowners on LIP projects. TPW covers a percentage of the proposed project costs; landowners, meantime, must contribute a minimum percentage through in-kind labor, materials, or finances, for example. Find Landowner Incentive Program application details on the TPW website. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.