TPW TV -- STATE OF QUAIL: Private landowners and conservation groups join together to help save a charismatic game bird ... ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas (November 13) Grassland birds throughout North America, including the bobwhite quail, have been in decline. 06 -- Over the past 20, 30 years -- we've seen serious declines across its entire range, including Texas. Robert Perez is upland game bird program manager for Parks and Wildlife. He and others concerned about this enigmatic species' survival appear in a segment called The State of Quail on the Texas Parks and Wildlife TV series on PBS. 07 -- Fundamentally, conservationists agree that the root cause is the changes in the quality and quantity of habitat. During the segment, airing next week, watch conservation groups and private landowners, like Jim Willis, collaborate to improve habitat for quail, by planting native grasses, which provide shelter, seeds and insects for the birds. 19 -- This is a sample of a native grass. This plant contributes to the health of the land. This is the way you conserve moisture. Man has come in and ripped out a lot of this native grass and planted what we call improved grasses, which is really not improved, they're invasive species, like Bermuda grass, and Bahia grass, and they don't give back to the soil. They take from the soil. The State of Quail airs the week of November 15 on the Texas Parks and Wildlife TV series on PBS. Check your local listings. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti.