FIRST DAY HIKES & MORE - Start the New Year on the right foot ... or left foot ... we explain ... on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Here we are again, straddling the threshold of a new year. How will you spend the first day? You could devote the first day of 2016 recovering from the last day of 2015. You might also decide to remain in your jammies, parked in front of the television for a day of football, movies, and snacking. There's nothing wrong with that in theory. But before you settle into that well-worn groove in the sofa and start brushing potato chip crumbs from your loungewear, change into your street clothes, and head out the door for a little fresh air and sunshine. People who spend time outdoors are healthier, happier, and smarter. And how we spend the first day of the year is often indicative of how we'll spend the entire year. That's research talking, I'm just the messenger. Go to the calendar section of the TPW website to find outdoor opportunities for the first day of the New Year, including: A list birding Hike at Tyler State Park in East Texas; A First Day Mountain Bike Ride for beginners at Franklin Mountains SP near El Paso; how about a First Day Hike at the Hill Country State Natural Area; or the fifth annual Stuffed Turkey Hike at Bonham SP to help walk off some of those holiday treats. Or, just go outside and take a walk around your neighborhood and appreciate where you live and with whom you share your life. The games and movies will be on ... and the chips will be crisp when you get back. Remember: Life's Better Outside. Happy New Year. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:00.0 Maximum Script time: 0:85.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25