SNIPE HUNTING: Snipe hunting is more than a practical joke ... details ahead on Passport to Texas ... This is Passport to Texas An invitation to participate in a snipe hunt fills young hearts with anticipation and anxiety. In my youth, snipe hunts were cloaked in mystery; and that's what made them deliciously terrifying. Taken at night to a wooded area and outfitted with a burlap bag ... a flashlight with weak batteries ... and a whistle to call for help ... hunters enter the woods alone in search of dreaded snipes. And how would they recognize them? They would know them when they saw them. Before long, panicked whistles and screams from deep within the woods pierced the silence, as vivid imaginations got the best of the young snipe hunters. Eventually everyone, including the hunter, had a good laugh. Today we know snipe are small, long billed, brownish shorebirds in the sandpiper family. Their habitat includes freshwater marshes, ponds and flooded fields. They breed across much of North America, but like to spend their winters in the southern states, including Texas. Snipe are game birds here, and the season to hunt snipe ends on February 15th. So if you want to go snipe hunting, and not be left holding the bag, time is running out. Learn more about snipe and see an image of this not so terrifying creature when you log onto our web site: The Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program supports our series. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:00.0 Maximum Script time: 0:85.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25