TPWF MEMBERSHIP: Become a member of a non-profit that funds transformational projects to benefit the people of Texas ... details ahead on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas The Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation is the official non-profit partner of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. 05 -- And we fund transformational projects to benefit the people of Texas. Anne (Annie) Brown is executive director of the foundation, which works to ensure the continued vitality of Texas lands, waters, and wildlife for the benefit of all Texans. She invites interested persons to consider membership in the foundation. 11 -- It's really a way for individuals to help conserve Texas wild things and wild places for generations to come. All of the funds that are raised in our membership program go into special projects. Special requests from parks, such as for bird blinds, or youth hunting programs, and neighborhood fishing opportunities are just a few of the projects membership helps to fund. 08 -- So this is really funding that is made available for special projects that benefit the land, water and wildlife in Texas. Find out how to become a member when you log onto the Texas parks and Wildlife foundation website at 02 -- We try to make it easy. We have two levels. Membership has its privileges. That's tomorrow. For Texas Parks and Wildlife...I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:26.0 Maximum Script time: 0:59.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25