TPW TV CONTEST: Share your story ideas with the TPW TV series and win - we tell you how...on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas A generation grew up watching the Texas Parks and Wildlife PBS TV series. Now, a new generation is joining them. 16- The thing that I consider the most special part about the Texas Parks and Wildlife [TV] show, is that I've never seen my daughter's face light up so much as when she hears that opening song. [Begin TPW TV Theme] It doesn't matter which room in the house my daughter is in, as soon as she hears those opening notes, she comes running in, because she knows the animal show's on. Josh Havens, TPW Director of Communications, says 2016 marks the series' 30th anniversary, and viewers of all ages are invited to commemorate this milestone. 20- We are holding a contest to commemorate that anniversary; a chance to give our viewers an opportunity to be part of that show that they've supported for so long. To enter is simple. In 250 words or less, you pitch us an original story idea for a feature segment. If your idea wins, you get the choice of either being on the show itself, or being on the film crew. The winner also receives over $2-thousand dollars in prizes. 14- We're looking for stories that can take individuals from their everyday indoor life, and introduce them to a world that is outside, and that tells the story of why Texas' wild places and wild things are so unique. Deadline for entries is May 31, 2016. Find complete contest rules and online entry form on the TPW website. For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:50.0 Maximum Script time: 0:35.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25