ARUNDO DONAX BAD MANAGEMENT: Mow down Arundo donax and you'll make the problem to manage this invasive grass ... ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas How would you deal with grass that's gotten out of hand? Mow it? That works for turf grass, but not the invasive non-native grass called Arundo donax, also known simply as Arundo or as giant reed or carrizo cane. 03-It's very tall-grows up to about 30 feet. Not only is mowing nearly impossible, but using a machete or anything that breaks this gargantuan grass into pieces is ill-advised, says Monica McGarrity, who studies aquatic invasive for TPW. 19- The way that this plant reproduces is by the canes-especially when they're cut-by folks mowing or by nutria eating them. They spread downstream and they re-root and create new plants. It does spread by its rhizomes, but it can travel long distances if you cut it, mow it, and fragments get into the creek. Each fragment can create a new plant. Its invasive nature is evident along rivers and streams; it outcompetes native plants and disrupts habitat. In addition, it's a thirsty plant - not good for drought-prone Texas. 13-It uses a lot of water. It's been shown to reduce flows, and it can cause a lot of erosion, and that can reduce the water quality in the stream. So, lots of ways that it can have a big impact on the system. So what is the best way to manage Arundo? Monica McGarrity has the answer on tomorrow's show. Learn more about Arundo donax at The Sport Fish Restoration program supports our series. For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:35.0 Maximum Script time: 0:50.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25 Our partners have expressed a preference for using "Arundo" as the common name for consistency with their preexisting language for communication. Great! Gonna steal this "it works for turfgrass..." line :)