GARNER STATE PARK: A writer walks down memory lane… which happens to be at Garner State Park... details ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Enduring traditions and beautiful scenery have drawn generations of Texans to Garner State Park. 13— A number of times when I was very small we went to Garner. And then, actually not just when I was very small, but I remember going there as a middle schooler and even a high schooler. In fact, I went there the weekend after I graduated from high school with a big bunch of friends. I’ve always loved going to Garner. Melissa Gaskill is a freelance writer living in Austin; she says the bracing waters of the Frio River keep her coming back. 18— That is some of the best water in the state, I would say. Swimming in it; tubing on it; just lying next to it staring at it…. It’s a gorgeous river. The setting is beautiful. It has those big, beautiful trees. You’ve got Old Baldy. The sky’s usually blue. It’s really a beautiful, peaceful place to go and have a great time. When Melissa Gaskill had children, she introduced them to this scenic getaway that also offers tubing, paddling, fishing, hiking, and camping. 15—My children also love to camp and do all the things outdoors that I love to do. And, they loved it so much they wanted to go back every year. So, it was not a conscious thing, but definitely in my sub- conscious obviously this is a special place, for me. And I wanted it to be a special place for my family—and it happened. Melissa’s grown children visit Garner State Park on their own now. And she says one day she hopes to carry on the tradition and introduce her future grandchildren to this special place. That's our show for today… Funding provided in part by Ram Trucks. Guts. Glory. Ram For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I’m Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:46.0 Maximum Script time: 0:39.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25