TPW TV BAT MONITORING: Discover why we are keeping an eye on Texas bats. Ahead...on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Texas is home to 33 of the world’s more than 13-hundred bat species. Bats devour tons of agricultural insect pests, pollinate crops and native plants, & bring tourists to TX. 13— We have the largest congregations of bats in the entire world. People travel all over the world to see Bracken Bat Cave, Old Tunnel State Park, Congress Street Bridge. It's a wildlife phenomenon But Jonah Evans, TPW mammologist, says Texas bats face a serious threat: White Nose Syndrome, a fungal disease fatal to hibernating bats, discovered 10 years ago in the Northeast. 11— It’s right at our border. And during that time, it has killed an estimated 6-million bats. Which, in some states, amounts to a very high percentage of all the bats in their states. Evans and other bat conservators discuss the problem of white nose syndrome next week on the TPW TV series on PBS. 20— At this point, all we can do is monitor closely, learn what we can, and be prepared if an opportunity to apply some kind of treatment arises. There is currently no way to stop the spread of White Nose Syndrome. However, there are many smart people working really hard on trying to find ways of doing just that. Watch this highly informative segment on Bat Monitoring in Texas on the TPW TV series on PBS the week of January 1, 2017. Check your local listings. The Wildlife Restoration program supports our series. For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:44.0 Maximum Script time: 0:41.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25