GOVERNMENT CANYON,1 This state natural area offers visitors a wilderness experience, just steps from home …we have details ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Comprised of more than 12-thousand acres of mostly undeveloped land, Government Canyon SNA, outside of San Antonio, is not a state park. 15—Although we’re part of the Texas State Park system—we’re actually a natural area. So, our focus is primarily natural and cultural resource management. However, we do provide recreational opportunities here. We have about 40 miles of hiking and biking trails. Superintendent Chris Holm says guests experience something entirely unique when they visit the site. 15—It is a unique experience, as we’re so close to the city of San Antonio. But yet, when you get out here and start hiking or biking into what we call the backcountry area, you think you’re out in the great wilderness of the North or something. Open for visitation Friday through Monday only, Government Canyon frequently reaches maximum site occupancy on weekends. 16—Almost every weekend we’ll have a capacity closure because we get too many people coming out. We want people to experience Government Canyon. We want them to develop a love of the place. Stewardship. But at the same time we don’t want it to be destroyed [from overuse]. And, so, there’s a balancing act. Tuesdays through Thursdays, site staff focus on resource management. There’s more info on Government Canyon at For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I'm Cecilia Nasti.