ZEBRA MUSSELS. 2: Three simple steps [02 "...and dry their boat."] can prevent the spread of a destructive invasive species. Details on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas Last month we discovered zebra mussels in Canyon Lake. 23—Every time you get a new infestation it's discouraging – it just really is. It just gets you down. And it's frustrating, because you know that if boaters and people who we know care about the lakes and rivers in this state, if they would just take some time, and be a little careful and make sure that they just clean, drain and dry their boat before they leave the lake every single time, that will go a long time towards preventing their spread. Fisheries biologist Brian Van Zee says zebra mussels can clog public water intakes, and damage boats and motors left in infested waters. 16— You know, if boats are stored on the water in the marina, those are the ones where we're going to have colonies of adult zebra mussels attached to them. Those are the ones that boat owners need to take the time to have that boat fully cleaned and decontaminated; have it inspected by Parks and Wildlife before you go ahead and move it to a different lake. Once in a river basin, zebra mussels are there to stay. 18— But, what we can do is we can prevent them from being spread to a new river basin. If we can get the word out to these boat owners and public and transporters in the state, and let them know we're trying to stop this spread, and prevent new infestations within new river basins – then we have a chance. Find procedures to clean, drain and dry your boat on the TPW website. The WSFR program supports our series. For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:57.0 Maximum Script time: 0:28.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25