LBJ REMEMBRANCE— We remember a President who never forgot the place he called home…coming up on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Even though Lyndon Baines Johnson spent many memorable years in Washington DC, the Texas Hill Country held a special place in his heart. 11—Here is where I would always return, to the Pedernales River, the scenes of my childhood. There’s something different about this country, from any other part of the nation. LBJ often credited these pristine surroundings of his youth as a major influence in his life and presidency. 11—It is impossible to live on this land without being a part of it. Without being shaped by its qualities. This molds the character of the people here. But it is also a bold and beautiful land, where the air is clear and the water is pure and the wildflowers flashing in the sun And it is where he returned when he left the White House. 15—I guess every person feels a part of the place where they were born, he wants to go back to the surroundings that he knew as a child and this is my country, the Hill Country of Texas. The LBJ State Park and Historic Site, located near Johnson City, gives visitors a chance to experience the land which President Johnson held dear. 12—There’s something about this section that brings new life and new hope and really a balanced and better view point after you have been here a few days. Learn more about the LBJ State Historic Site, log on to the TPW website. For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I’m Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:47:0 Maximum Script time: 0:38:0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25