VISTA—FRANKLIN MOUNTAINS: How one volunteer helps her community to connect with nature and a brighter future…ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas They say you can never go home again. Just don’t tell that to Nicole Roque (RO-k). After graduating college, she moved back to El Paso; in March, she took a job as an AmeriCorps volunteer with TPW. 05—AmeriCorps is a national service program designed to alleviate poverty. Headquartered at Franklin Mountains State Park, Nicole says a question she usually gets is: 03—How are you alleviating poverty [via] parks? Research supports the theory that people who engage the outdoors 30 minutes to one hour a day are happier, healthier and smarter. 07—Kids do better in school, they have higher self- esteem. They’re just more confident in general. It’s more than just going out and hiking. A solid education, a high level of confidence and good self-esteem are all tools that help people to move beyond barriers and to lean into success. 10—We’re definitely looking to help kids feel more welcome by environmental science careers and STEM (?) careers in general – and strengthen them in that way. Tomorrow Nicole tells us about a program where El Pasoans turn trash into art while learning about environmental stewardship. That's our show for today… Funding provided in part by Ram Trucks. Guts. Glory. Ram For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:25.0 Maximum Script time: 0:60.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25