VISTA—FRANKLIN MOUNTAINS 2: A community that creates art from trash in support of environmental stewardship…ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas A project in El Paso, has HS students and the local art community turning roadside trash to treasure. 04—It’s called It’s Your World, and it’s a really, really cool project. Nicole Roque (RO-k), an AmeriCorps volunteer with TPW, based in El Paso, heard about El Dorado HS art teacher, Candace Printz who, with her students, created the project to improve their community. 19—She started It’s Your World, and what they do is they go into the community and they do cleanups. They adopted a portion of highway and they went out a few months and cleaned it completely. And they kept statistic on what they found, and then they took all this trash back to their school, they cleaned it up, they separated it, and then used it as art supplies. It’s Your World compliments AmeriCorps’ mission of improving the human condition. Nicole partnered with the project to develop art workshops. 19—And they’ve created some of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen. They recently had an art exhibition; I went to go see it, and it floors you to look at some of these really amazing things [made from trash]. And one of my favorite things that Candace told me is they opened their portable where they had all the supplies, and local artists were coming in to collect supplies for their art, and people were fighting over the trash. One man’s trash…. Learn more about It’s Your World…we have a link to their website at For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:40.0 Maximum Script time: 0:45.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25