TPW TV—DESERT OASIS: Creating a birding paradise in the desert…ahead on Passport to Texas… This is Passport to Texas (August 1-show airs thru Aug. 4) In a region best known for its rugged terrain and dry desert ecology, avid birders, Carolyn Ohl-Johnson and her late husband Sherwood, created something magical in the Christmas Mountains of West Texas. 04— It’s a refuge for birds, butterflies. Started in the 1990s, the couple developed ways to capture water that fell or flowed on their property. 11— And I told him how we could put in some diversion dams, and he just hopped right on that without greasing his equipment the same day! And so we started out with one tank that wasn’t nearly big enough. So began a lifelong passion to establish an oasis in the middle of the desert to draw birds to her West Texas home. The TPW TV series on PBS features Carolyn’s oasis on this week’s show. 17—I can be sitting here, just looking at the same old stuff, and bet money that nothing interesting’s gonna come along. And there, all of a sudden, oh my gosh, there’s a lifer! But it won’t happen if I’m not sitting here looking, so what do you do! You sure don’t get much work done, that’s for sure. Tune into the TPW TV series on PBS through August fourth to see not only Carolyn’s oasis, but another lush wetland project in West Texas. Check your local listings. The Wildlife restoration program supports our series. For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:32.0 Maximum Script time: 0:53.0 Suggested show time: 86.0 = 1:26