PREPARING DOVE: Moving beyond bacon wrapped dove breasts… details ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas With dove season underway in the north and central zones, bacon wrapped dove breasts will soon show up on the tables of hunters everywhere. 04—People don’t really like eating doves, they like eating bacon, if that’s the only way that they cook it. Jesse Morris is a hunter and chef with Killer Chefs in Richardson, Texas. He says there are more inventive ways to enjoy dove—including carnitas. 18—Everybody’s go-to recipe—and there’s nothing wrong with it – is bacon wrapped dove. It’s nice to actually use all the bird. So, you can use the heart in the carnitas, and the legs, and the breast meat, and everything. Cooking that down low and slow; finishing it off, letting all the sugars come out in the product. It’s something good. If you’re a new hunter and longtime foodie, you may be tempted to “go gourmet” when preparing dove or any game. Jesse recommends to start simply. 20— People get off on wanting to cover them in sauces or gravy, and things like that – when they’re really not tasting the bird, or whatever game that it is that they’re eating. When you’re first starting out cooking wild game, cook it simply: grill it; salt and pepper. See what the flavors that the actual game is, and then work with that. We have Jesse Morris’ dove carnitas recipe at Passport to Texas dot com. For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:42.0 Maximum Script time: 0:43.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25