TPW TV—CADDO PADDLING TRAILS: How to have a more intimate experience with Texas’ most enigmatic lakes; details ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas [SFX – paddling] Gliding along the paddling trails on Caddo Lake in East Texas is at once intimate and humbling: mist dancing on the water; banks flanked by giant, moss-covered bald cypress; the chorus of birds; habitat teaming with diverse and abundant wildlife. It’s a special place. 04— It’s beyond words to describe how wonderful this place is. Vanessa Adams worked as a resource specialist with parks and wildlife. 13— The paddling trails here on Caddo Lake will get you back into some habitat that is just not everywhere, it’s unique. It gets you into a place that you may have never seen before. Marshall, Texas resident, and Caddo Lake paddling enthusiast, Sandra Phillips, says she feels close to the earth when she’s on this enigmatic lake. 09 – You can’t find this well really anywhere else. All the network of canals and the swampyness of it. Caddo Lake is different every season; Adams says paddlers need to return often to experience the full effect. [SFX – ambience] 05— You gotta get out on the boat, you gotta get in the swamp and you really gotta sit down and you gotta sit and listen. Find more information about Caddo Lake and discover other unique Texas paddling trails on the TPW website. The Sport Fish restoration program supports our series. For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:31.0 Maximum Script time: 0:54.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25