PICK YOUR SITE: New online features means visitors can now pick specific camp sites [03 “…get to the park.”] … Details ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Overnight visits to Texas State parks are easier than ever to plan, thanks to improvements in the online reservation system, including picking your own site. 17— We’ve been listening to our customers for a long time. And some of the things that we’ve heard that are most wanted by our customers is site specific reservations. Thomas Wilhelm is the marketing and branding manager for Texas State parks. Before this new online reservation system, overnight campers could reserve a type of site, but not a specific site. 40—Pick your site is a huge boon for the system. When people show up at a park, they want to know that they’re getting into a campsite that will work for them. So, whether its because they have a larger RV, or they want to guarantee that they’re near their friends and family, they want to know which site they’re going to be in before they get there. There’s nothing worse than showing up at a park, having your reservation, and realizing the only sites left available to you are ones that don’t really work for your equipment. With the new system, they’ll have the ability to go online, look at pictures and descriptions of every single campsite in the system, and then pick the campsite that works for them. And then they know exactly where they’re going when they get to the park. Make your reservations online on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website. Tomorrow: The Save the Day Pass. For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:57.0 Maximum Script time: 0:38.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25