Spend a Little Time at State Parks
Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife
Time spent in the outdoors is never wasted. And Texas state parks afford all citizens nearby… cost effective outlets for all flavors of nature lust. Walt Dabney is Director of State Parks for Texas Parks and Wildlife.
Texas is largely privately owned, so the parks – if you like to go out and do things in the out of doors – the parks are one of the primary locations you have to do those kinds of things. So whether you’re a horse user, or a fisherman, or a camper, or a hiker, or a birdwatcher, or a photographer – whatever it is – parks are where you have to go enjoy those things. The other thing about parks is that we have some very important places that represent Texas history, important places where events occurred or people lived, and that remind us of who we are and how we became what we are. So, a lot of interesting things from an educational or interest standpoint and certainly lots of places to just go have a great, fun experience in the out of doors.
And with a Texas State Parks Pass, you and your family will get unlimited entry to all state parks and historic sites for a full 12 months. Learn more about the pass by logging onto the Texas Parks and Wildlife Web site.
That’s our show for today…for Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.