State Park Jobs, Part 2 of 3
Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife
The Texas legislature appropriated funds this past session that will allow Chief Operating Officer, Scott Boruff, to hire new staff to fill a variety of positions. When I spoke to Boruff at the end of August, he told me he hopes to have the positions filled quickly.
Well, we’re moving pretty aggressively to get these positions posted now. Our hope is to begin interviewing immediately so that as quickly after the beginning of the fiscal year – which is September the first – we could start filling as many of those positions as possible.
There are about two hundred positions to fill — from maintenance workers to park rangers, to law enforcement and business analysts – as well as others.
The new positions that were funded by the legislature will be positions that have either eroded over the years because of decreased funding or have been unavailable to us because we just didn’t have the money to hire them. So, the majority of our positions this year are going to be new positions. We’ll also be trying to fill those positions that have come open because of turnover.
Boruff says with the money comes responsibility.
I do think that it’s going to be a lot of work because along with the money came requirements for us to look at business practices and for us to look at ways to manage our financial resources more effectively and effectively.
Interested in a career with state parks? Go to and find a link to job postings.
That’s our show for today… For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.
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