State Parks: National Trails Day

National Trails Day in Texas State Parks © Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
This is Passport to Texas
Clear your schedule on Saturday, June 1, because it’s National Trails Day, and our state park guide, Bryan Frazier, says guided hikes await you at your state parks.
51 – We’ll have dozens of parks that are offering a hike on national Trails Day – it’s a Saturday. And you can get a hike that’s led by a park ranger, or a trained volunteer, or a Master Naturalist. And you can find out the story that that park has to tell. The history, the wildlife, the wildflowers and other plants and all the things that make that park unique and interesting. You’ll get the whole story. And you can take a leisurely hike: there will be hikes on boardwalks, hikes into the mountains, hikes on Hill Country trails and near rives; there will be all kinds of places to go in Texas on National Trails Day. So, check our website:; there’s a Trails Day link right there. You can find out all about it. So we want to encourage people….we always want to encourage people…to get outside and see that. And this is an even better reason.
Thanks, Bryan.
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That’s our show for today…with funding provided by Chevrolet, supporting outdoor recreation in Texas; because there’s life to be done.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.