Texas Independence Day Celebration
Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife
Whether you’re a native Texan or got here as soon as you could…the place to be on Saturday and Sunday, March first and second is Washington-on-the-Brazos state historic site–the “Birthplace of Texas,” where we’ll be celebrating 172 years of Texas Independence.
Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site honors the 59 men who met there in March 1836 to declare Texas a free and independent nation.
Throughout the weekend historical re-enactors, skilled artisans and period musicians will transport visitors back to a time when Texas was a struggling young nation.
In addition, a special ceremony will be held Sunday afternoon honoring Texas’ past and present ending with a Texas sized birthday cake. Maybe it won’t really be as big as Texas, but it’ll get pretty darned close.
Because it’s a party, tour fees will be waived on this special weekend so all Texans—as well as those who simply love the Lone Star State–can learn about our common heritage.
So, make plans to be in Washington, Texas, at Washington-on-the-Brazos Saturday and Sunday, March 1 & 2, between 10 a.m.-4 p.m. both days to celebrate Texas Independence …at the “Birthplace of Texas.”
That’s our show for today… For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.