TPW TV: Wildlife Management Areas

This is Passport to Texas

You may be familiar with our state park system, but not as familiar with our system of wildlife management areas. Learn about them this month on the Texas Parks and Wildlife PBS show; here’s series producer, Don Cash.

We’ve got them all over the state and they serve a variety of purposes: research, education and hunting. And. We’re going to take a look at just what all goes on, on a WMA.

There’s a lot of research and management that goes on. There’s endangered species, there’s threatened species, critical habitat, and even non-game animals. These are the properties that allow us to do that type of work.

The WMAs are a great resource, a great place for people to go hunting who don’t have access to a hunting lease anywhere else. One of the stories we do in August is following a father and his young daughter as they go on a squirrel hunt at the Gus Engeling WMA.

Macie’s eyes are a little sharper than mine; she can look up in the trees and say there’s one, and I say where, and she says right there. They have to move pretty good before I see. I hope she just remembers spending time with her dad.

August…if you don’t know about our Wildlife Management Areas, watch the show, and we’ll let you know what the WMAs are all about.

Find a station near you when you log onto the Texas Parks and Wildlife website.

That’s our show… For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

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