TPWD Photography Contest, 2

Nature Photography in Texas © Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
This is Passport to Texas
Grab your camera or your camera phone and get to a state park. Texas State Parks Outdoor Activity of the month for March is photography and nature viewing.
03 – Go to the closest state park and take lots of photos
Chase Fountain is a professional photographer working for Texas Parks and Wildlife. Now through April 30, when you upload your Texas State Park photos to our Flickr photo sharing account, you’re entered into a contest.
24–[For first place] the nice folks at Whole Earth provision Company provided us with a Go Pro camera, which does high definition video; it’s also an 11 mega pixel camera. It has a lot of different attachments where you can put it on your helmet, on your bike on your canoe; it’s completely waterproof up to 197
feet. Second prize is going to be a weekend camping excursion at a state park of your choice; and third place is the Texas Outdoor Family workshop for six.
Chase is one of the contest judges.
20 –The winner is going to be based on composition creativity and overall impression. I want real good family oriented type shots – the more the better. You don’t have to be a professional photographer to come up with great shots. Some of the better shots are from a mom and her kids out in the park, and they just take a great shot. I’m always amazed. And I’m the first one to say: that’s a great shot.
Go to for complete details.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.