Trout Stocking: Where & How Many
Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife and the Sport Fish Restoration Program
If you’re looking for a great winter angling opportunity, look no further than nearby lakes that have received a delivery of rainbow trout.
We’ll be stocking a hundred and twenty different sites this season. That may change by one or two, because the program can change during the year, but our schedule is for one hundred and twenty locations.
Carl Kittel coordinates the trout-stocking program for Parks and Wildlife. Winter trout stocking takes place December through March. District fisheries biologists make the decisions about which lakes receive trout, and how many they receive.
And they each are familiar with the lakes in their area, and generally work with cities and counties to develop a program that’s most effective for each area.
Kittel says Inland fisheries plans to stock just under 275-thousand rainbow trout in Texas waters.
A large number of the fish we stock, in fact over 100-thousand, are purchased by our partners; usually the cities or counties we’re working with. So, we work in combination with local governments to determine the right amount, and to cooperatively fund buying them as well.
Find a link to the rainbow trout stocking schedule on our website,
That’s our show…with support from the Sport Fish Restoration Program…which also provides funding for winter trout stocking in Texas…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.
Trout Stocking Schedule
Free Fishing in State Parks