Wear out the Kids at a State Park
This is Passport to Texas
If you have family visiting for the holidays—including a bunch of kiddos—the best place to entertain them and to wear them out at the same time is at a state park. Bryan Frazier explains.
55—State Parks are great places to get out and enjoy during the Christmas holiday vacation that we have here in Texas, because, typically, it’s a pretty moderate climate.
I’ve done this myself with the family; we’ll get together with extended family around Denison, Texas. And we’ll load up the kids and we’ll take them out to Eisenhower State Park. And we’ll either bring hiking sticks, or get them when we get to the park at the park store.
And all of a sudden you’re out there in nature, two hours have gone by, and everyone has had a good time. It’s a great way to stay healthy and fit.
State parks are great places to get out and enjoy hiking and biking and in Texas we have miles and miles of hike and bike trails. Some of them in our state parks have just recently been improved through our projects—with boardwalks and bridges and nice big wide flat trails.
So, you have a chance to get them out of the house and off of the couch, and you’re out in the park and your together as a family. And it’s just something that works out great at a state park.
That’s our show for today…with funding provided by Chevrolet, supporting outdoor recreation in Texas; because there’s life to be done.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife I’m Cecilia Nasti.