Archive for April 6th, 2007

May Magazine Preview

Friday, April 6th, 2007

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife

Texas boasts a bevy of birding hot spots. And in the May issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine…you’ll meet some of the fine feathered creatures that pass through our state. Associate publisher, Charles Lohrmann…

Well, May is our birding issue and it’s always popular. It’s a useful reference because we include a comprehensive calendar of birding events throughout the year.

We have amazing articles. This one, particularly interesting to me, is an article about migration by Noreen Damude. She describes migration patterns as a complex labyrinth of trails that overlap and interweave. And to illustrate, she describes the migrations of eight different birds.

Among them are long distance migrants like the Swainson’s Hawk; and one particularly interesting example is the Evening Grosbeak, which she describes as ‘irruptive, opportunistic wanderers,’ because their arrival is completely unpredictable.

Once you read this article, you’ll never think of migration as a simple north-south line again.

Thanks Charles.

You can find the May issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine on newsstands in mid-month. Or learn how you can subscribe when you visit

That’s our show…Joel Block engineers our program in Austin at the Production Block studios…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti